Posts Tagged ‘Japan earthquake’

It has been a long while since I have posted anything…anywhere. What with the incident in Japan which directly affected me and my family one would have assumed I would have had things to say, things to post. Suddenly I found that all my feelings regarding the environmental and social disaster that struck my country of birth and partial heritage did not warrant posting on any social network. Some things are too personal and I am by nature a cold individual therefore expressing myself to others verbally or by typing was out of the question. It has been my time and I needed to indulge myself in this.

Still, I had to be reasonable and not descend into a chasm from which I may not be able to return and an effort on my part had to be made to climb out of this self-indulgence and stand on two feet again in my world that existed before the tragedy. Therefore, here I am again clawing my way back to the surface and resuming some semblance of my normality.

I bid you all hello once again.

I sit, Lawliet-style, in front of the monitor a changed person. I am still trying to fathom the changes, but as with all changes the lasting effects reveal themselves gradually as I step through this illusion called life. Posting is now necessary to track this progress with each single step. This is now a positive action and the time for revelation has commenced. Patience is now my bedfellow, a cold-comfort friend for a cold heart.

I don’t wish for you a good life or a tragic life. May you all, however, find an instructive life that will advance you. Good and bad are words for the insecure and unrealistic. There is a long history of instructive lessons from my culture. I must absorb deeply my Japanese heritage and advance. Who knows how and when I shall breathe my last. Keep growing all of you and never forget where you have been. Use the compass of reason to never lose sight of moving forward and use your feelings to populate you life’s landscape and add colour to a dead life. Praise yourself for admitting you’re wrong as much as you would admit being right. Everything is relevant. Nothing is real except that which you acknowledge, truth or lies. Be cautious of living some other’s reality no matter how right or attractive it may seem. You owe nothing to anybody, only yourself. Don’t be conned to forfeit this just because other’s want numbers on their side. Remember, you have to live with yourself…born alone, die alone sort of thing. Everything is a lie, including my words. As people with have an extraordinary way of turning lies to truth if we see fit and don’t look back enough to check ourselves. Our path then changes and we exist with the consequences. So, do be careful.

Over and out for now.


Posted: March 13, 2011 in Diary, Journal

I need some time to deal with what has happened in Japan. Need to seek out some relatives whom I still cannot contact. Much of my family are quietly grieving and I need to be there for them. Some of my friends there are either missing or need comfort.

My eternal funeral has just become a shade darker. This will change me.